a Web Site
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Designing a Web Site 
Web site design along with the web of interpretation for content fuse the various passages of information and web pages into a cohesive unit. Follow the guidelines below for good results.
First, prepare a brief opening page for the site, similar to a preface in a book. Give the viewer an idea of what he or she will find in the site. Descriptors may be as simple as link structure, like on the Sam Adams site, or an additional paragraph of text, like on the Tecumseh site. (Note on examples) 

Second, use consistent design features throughout the site.1 Choose a background color. Choose a font color or images for links. Choose a basic text font and size for title text and paragraph text. Click through the Sam Adams site again and note the title text, paragraph text, links, and background. Consistent design implies sameness for each feature of a site, but consistency does not necessarily require total uniformity. Subtle variations in background, text, or links can give the browser the sense of moving through the information of a site. For example, click through the Mercy Otis Warren site and note the consistency in the link text and images but the change in the other elements on the pages.2 

Third, use links as site guides. Give the browser clues as to what he or she will find by following a certain link. Use text like "Essay concerning…" or "brief description of …" 

Prepare a brief
opening page
for the site.
Use consistent
design features
throughout the site.
Use links as
site guides.